Posted by: Nerdboy777 | June 1, 2008

Saddened by the outcome of Michigan and Florida.

If you’ve watched any bit of news throughout this presidential campaign then you would know about the whole Michigan and Florida controversy. Now I’m not going to go into detail about what exactly happen but in short these states both broke the rules that were set forth before them. Now yesterday they decided how they would handle the situation and what would happen to all the votes.

Most said that they should give Clinton her votes and all the undecided to Obama and then there were a few other ideas. Yet the entire time I watched them on tv I couldn’t believe what they were doing. You see I think that the votes shouldn’t have been counted. Both states broke the rules, something I like to call cheating, and there has to be a consequence; and for all the Michigan and Florida voters out there who would think that was unfair I all I can say is that the people who broke the rules are the same people you elected. Is it your fault? No. Is it fair? No. But I believe it’s right.

Now you can disagree or agree with me but what really has to be taken away from this is one simple fact that the democrats taught us with this situation and that is this. They broke the rules and they got away with it. And that is not right.

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