Posted by: Nerdboy777 | June 18, 2008

The Adventures of VBS

So going through this week helping with Vacation Bible School I’ve met a lot of funny and entertaining kids.  They remind me of the times when I was young when I didn’t have to worry about things and one kid in particular reminds me of how Pokemon still rocks!

But it was today that a child opened my eyes.  I was talking to a girl in the second and third grade group about spongebob and helping with the craft when she told me about her big backyard.  (The theme of this year is God’s Big Backyard)  I then told her about God’s Big Backyard.  Her eyes widened as I told her about how all the stars in the skies and all the planets and even Pluto was all part of God’s backyard!  I then told her that even though God loves his backyard just like she loves her backyard that what he wants more than anything else is to be her friend.  Her eyes got really big when I said that.

And I wonder, what happened to the days when we were kids and the thought that God wanted to be our friend made us happier than anything else?  I can see very easily why Jesus stressed how important kids are.  They can remind us of the most simplest of things that we always seem to forget.

Jesus always talked about the children and how we should be like them as well.  For me now it’s very easy to see why.  And it makes me wish I had the kind of enthusiasm that the little girl had about being God’s friend.  I just wanted to share that moment with all of you.  I thought it was very cool.  😀

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